My winter exploration trip was great fun and as we returned to the Yukon the conversation turned to how much the clients liked being on the “old fashioned” snowshoes. That got me to thinking about how long things that work well can last. I do use wood framed snowshoes; most are laced with leather. The snowshoes that the kids were on that afternoon are around thirty five years old!
We live in an area made up of dairy farms, blueberry fields and woodlots along with lots of bodies of water. Because of the farms the early stockings of wild turkeys took place here thirty years ago. Turkeys had been extirpated from Maine long before and the reintroduction was an experiment at the time.
Yesterday was warm and cloudy with light snow in the afternoon. Just enough fell to freshen up the snowpack; that is now about eighteen inches or so in the woods. This morning on our walk the signs of all kinds of wildlife where everywhere. Mice of course, although I cannot imagine why they would come out on top of the snow and make themselves vulnerable to hawks and owls. Fox and coyotes had crossed our path in several places since the snow fell last evening.